Saturday, May 28, 2011

Survey on environmental concerns Date: 8/09/10

         We were given surveys with questions about environment, which then we had to distribute to people. We went to Rustaveli Avenue. It turned out, that most of the people didn’t care about environment or maybe they were just too lazy to answer us. From like fifty people we could only get four surveys done.
         While comparing results we made few conclusions, such as: when asked about the renewable energy source most of them said only sun or water. Also, most of them thought that Georgia wasn’t doing anything to protect its environment. There were few changes made this year: cutting trees and haunting was banned. Another thing that we understood, is that almost everyone thinks that money is more important then their own health. Because, they said that if they had a good paid job, then it would be easy to work in conditions badly for their health. We also asked whether they know which part of Georgia is more safe and tidy and they all said districts. They think, that city center is always more polluted then the districts. People think that most dangerous for environment is: pollution, deforestation and global warming. Also, we asked about water, whether it’s clean in here or not and they said that it is really clean compared to other countries. These entire things that I wrote about are little details, but in general we saw that people really want Georgia to be clean and more environmentally friendly. They also said that they would support recycling and other things good for our environment!

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